Sendblaster: the best Bulk Email Software for Email Marketing

SendBlaster on mac, heres how it works

SendBlaster on mac, heres how it works

Harness the power of SendBlaster and its functionalities directly on your Mac. With Parallels Desktop and a Windows license (that allows the use of applications developed for Windows on Apple devices), you will be able to enjoy the stability and fluidity of all the features that Sendblaster provides for the management of your email marketing campaign.

With a few clicks you can configure Sendblaster and use it without any limitation, slowing or compatibility issue. All the software’s functions, from the message creation with our built-in editor, to the management of contact lists and the final mailing of the newsletter via your SMTP server, will be fully functional as if you executed the software on a Windows PC.

In addition, with Parallels Desktop and a Windows license you will be able to install and use without problems your favorite Windows applications directly on your Mac OS X Mountain Lion (or earlier releases).

Download Sendblaster FREE

WordPress double optin widget bulk email plugin

WordPress double optin widget bulk email plugin

This simple WordPress mailing list management widget (plugin) sends emails with “Subscribe” and “Unsubscribe” subject for newsletter opt-in and double opt-in email list management. New mailing list subscriptions are written in WordPress sidebar and new subscribers details are gathered into your bulk email software or mailing list management software.

The email list widget works with common bulk emailers and with SendBlaster’s newsletter software subscription management with custom field integration, for email merge purposes.

The widget adds an options tab to customize settings:

  • Mailbox for managing subscriptions
  • Message to subscriber – subject
  • Message to subscriber – content
  • Double Opt-in
  • Link Love (disable or enable)
  • Sidebar Front side messages
  • Sidebar Front side appearance and custom fields
  • subscribe and unsubscribe label modify
  • Temporary database storing for newly mailing list subscribed members

This e-mail widget is compatible with K2 and Unsleepable sidebar management.

Download WordPress Plugin

File type: .zip | File size: 7.7kb

WP mailing list management Plugin Features

  • user can subscribe and unsubscribe to your mailing list
  • closed loop double-opt-in feature for polite and legal bulk email senders
  • build a mailing list inside WordPress
  • manage the mailing list inside WordPress
  • bulk email WordPress newsletter subscribers using a free bulk email software
  • compatible with email sender softwares
  • compatible with SendBlaster email marketing program
  • validates w3’s xhtml strict

Plugin installation

  • download plugin
  • unzip the file wpsb-opt-in.php
  • upload via FTP to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory
  • enable plugin from WordPress Plug-ins Admin control panel
  • drag into your sidebar the new widget in Presentation/widgets control panel
  • configure Sendblaster mass email software for automatic new subscriptions download

Smtp server time-out error

Smtp server time-out error

Below is the solution for one of our customers. He was getting “Server time out” error. His account with the smtp server was fine, so we suggested some settings for newsletter software to resolve the situation. The “server time out” problem may have different causes:

  • A slow-down in the Internet connection (please double check your network settings)
  • A too low timeout value (try increasing it, i.e. 300 secs)

  • You are using too many simultaneous connections (try lowering them)
  • Some antivirus or firewall is blocking your outgoing traffic after a while (please check their configuration or try disabling them)
  • Your ISP may be blocking the port used by SMTP after some traffic (please ask them about any policy like this)
  • The SMTP server is experiencing technical difficulties (which is unlikely, as the same problem would have been reported by other users)

Guide for better bulk email sending

Guide for better bulk email sending

You may create your newsletter in several ways:

  1. From scratch using the html compose message in Sendblaster
  2. Using a Sendblaster template and editing it in order to make it
  3. Creating it with any html editor (Sendblaster is able to import html files)
  4. Asking your web master to create your own template in html format

We suggest you to create a custom design at least one time, using the image of your website or of your company, even if you spend some money for that you have to consider that its just one time cost and you may use it in time.

Moreover follow a guide for create newsletters:

You feel you are not reaching enough recipients? Your e-mail messages are often marked as spam by mistake? Following these little hints may dramatically increase your delivery rates and speed.

Don’t perform virus checking on each one of the 100s mails you are sending

While you should always scan outgoing personal mail for viruses, doing the same on a bulk mailing is a very bad idea. If you are importing a saved .eml file you should scan that file before importing it, but once you launch your mailing there’s no point in checking every single message that’s leaving from your PC! That would slow down things and even prevent many messages from being delivered. Disable your antivirus while sending (or configure it so that it does not check outgoing mail) and re-enable it when you’re finished.

You are not spamming, so don’t be filtered out as spam

Nowadays most mail servers have built-in antispam filters; they are quite smart, but sometimes they fail and delete (or mark as spam and redirect to some “spam” folder) perfectly legal messages; this is a common problem with Hotmail and other very popular free mail services. If you feel a lot of your messages are filtered out and not delivered, here are some basic rules to avoid being named a spammer by mistake:

  • Always include plain text: “personal” e-mail messages, even if written using HTML format, always include a plain text part. If a plain text part is missing, most antispam filters become suspicious. When you finish composing your message, use SendBlaster’s “Text from HTML” button to automatically create a plain text part from HTML.
  • Write, don’t paint: most of your message must be text; avoid including large images. Once again, antispam filters become suspicious when the image / text ratio is too high.
  • Don’t over-attach: attachments should only be used in small, personal lists; if you are publishing a newsletter, upload files on your website and use links instead (your subscribers will be happier too).
  • Don’t say bad words: avoid those words that are constantly flooding your mailbox.
  • Better use Smtp: While Direct Send mode is very useful in many situations, unfortunately nowadays a lot of mail server refuse direct delivery in order to prevent spam. You should better use Smtp when you are mailing a large amount of recipients.

Choose a good Smtp service for your newsletter

A good Smtp service is the key for your speed. While most of ISPs include a free bundled Smtp service as part of their offers, this may not be the right solution when sending large amount of mails. Standard Smtp services may not allow for multiple connections, or limit bandwidth, or even limit the number of messages that can be sent in a given time. “Direct Send” mode is a good alternative option, but unfortunately some servers do not allow direct delivery. If you really need speed consider subscribing a dedicated Smtp service: using multiple simultaneous connections and a fast server can really speed up your mailings, ensure a higher rate of messages are delivered, and definitely save you a lot of time and efforts.

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